3rd Edition of the International Conference on 6G Networking

October 21-24, 2024
Paris, France

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    6G-life Logo Purple Text


  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 14, 2024 (Firm)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      July 10, 2024
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 20, 2024
    • Conference Date
      October 21 - 24, 2024
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List of Accepted Papers

Based on the review process and the TPC meeting held on July 10, 2024, hereafter is the list of Full Papers and Short Papers respectively accepted to 6GNet 20244.

Full Papers accepted

  • Towards a Meta-Learning Assisted Universal Neural Receiver: An Empirical Study
  • Integrate: Intent-Driven Router Queue Depth Configuration via Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning-Based Resource Allocation for MBRLLC and Homogeneous Slices in 6G Networks
  • Using Edge-Based Packet Trimming for Effective Bandwidth Utilization in 6G
  • ML-based Anomaly Detection in 6G Networks: A Survey on the Current Status, Challenges, and Future Directions
  • Online Frequency Scheduling by Learning Parallel Actions
  • Bi-Static Sensing in OFDM Wireless Systems for Indoor Scenarios
  • A Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Radio Channels across Frequency in Mobile Networks
  • RIS as a Network Resource: Pricing and User Multiplexing Algorithms
  • Performance Analysis of Integrated 5G-NR Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks Using System Level Simulations
  • Design Aspects for Efficient Beam Training in 6G Millimeter-Wave Networks with Mobile Users
  • Fundamental and Practical Performance Assessment in Monostatic ISAC: From Sub-6GHz to Sub-THz
  • Building Network Digital Twins Part I: State Synchronization
  • Adversarial Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
  • In-Network Computing and Split-AI in 6G: Enablers and Proof-of-Concept Studies
  • XAInomaly: Explainable, Interpretable and Trustworthy AI for xURLLC in 6G Open-RAN
  • Enhancing 5G Performance: Reducing Service Time and Research Directions for 6G Standards
  • Applicability of Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Mobile Communication
  • Pragmatic Semantic Communication through Quantum Channel*

Short Papers accepted

  • Micro Core Networks Assessment in the Cloud-Native beyond 5G/6G Mobile Network Operator Deployments Context
  • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Dynamic Rich Scattering Environments: BiLSTM-Based Optimization for Accurate User Localization
  • Efficient Radio Resource Management for Rate Maximization in LEO Multi-satellite Systems
  • Pushing the Boundaries of Scalable 5G Core Networks: Cloud-Native NEF and CAPIF Interplay
  • DoA Estimation in RIS-Assisted Network via Element Sampling and Sparse Reconstruction
  • Towards 6G: Leveraging Advanced Sleep Modes to Improve Energy Performance
  • Multi-3GPP Connectivity Concept, Architecture and Specific Implementation Details
  • Flexible Transceiver Platform for Holistic Radio Design Analysis
  • DL-enabled Road Traffic Monitoring Services using 6G mmWave Channel State Information
  • Enhancing Healthcare Remote Education with 6G and XR Technologies
  • Technical Sponsors


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  • Supported by


    6G-life Logo Purple Text


  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 14, 2024 (Firm)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      July 10, 2024
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 20, 2024
    • Conference Date
      October 21 - 24, 2024
  • Submissions

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