International Conference on 6G Networking

6GNet 2023

October 18-20, 2023
Paris, France

  • Program

  • Technical Sponsors

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  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 5, 2023 (firm and final deadline)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      June 25, 2023
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 15, 2023
    • Conference Date
      October 18-20, 2023
  • Submission Link

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6GNET – Call for Tutorial Proposals

6GNET 2023 invites proposals for half-day (2-3 hours) or full-day (4-6 hours) tutorials addressing cutting-edge research challenges that need to be overcome to enable 6G technology and its myriad of supported new applications. The tutorial topic needs to be within the scope of the conference, see the list of topics here

Proposal format

Tutorial proposals can be a maximum of TWO pages long and should be submitted in PDF format via the EDAS submission site (link). The tutorial proposals should include the following:

• Title of the proposed tutorial

• Names and affiliations of the speakers

• Short abstract 

• Tutorial duration 

• Targeted Audience: briefly describe the background that attendees should have. Tutorials could range from introductory to the field for attendees new to a topic, to advanced for experts or attendees with good knowledge of the topic.

• Tutorial overview: provide a comprehensive outline of the tutorial content including a list of (sub) topics to be covered.

• Bio-sketches: A short bio-sketch of each tutorial presenter.

• Previous tutorials (on the same, or on different topics) delivered by the speaker(s), if any.

Should you need further clarifications or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Tutorial Co-Chairs:

Tutorial Chairs

Marco Di Renzo, CNRS & CentraleSupelec – Paris-SaclayUniversity, France


Tutorial Proposals Due: July 15, 2023

Acceptance Notification: July 30,2023

6GNET 2023 invites proposals for half-day (2-3 hours) or full-day (4-6 hours) tutorials addressing cutting-edge research challenges that need to be overcome to enable 6G technology and its myriad of supported new applications. The tutorial topic needs to be within the scope of the conference, see the list of topics here

Proposal format

Tutorial proposals can be a maximum of TWO pages long and should be submitted in PDF format via the EDAS submission site (link). The tutorial proposals should include the following:

• Title of the proposed tutorial

• Names and affiliations of the speakers

• Short abstract 

• Tutorial duration 

• Targeted Audience: briefly describe the background that attendees should have. Tutorials could range from introductory to the field for attendees new to a topic, to advanced for experts or attendees with good knowledge of the topic.

• Tutorial overview: provide a comprehensive outline of the tutorial content including a list of (sub) topics to be covered.

• Bio-sketches: A short bio-sketch of each tutorial presenter.

• Previous tutorials (on the same, or on different topics) delivered by the speaker(s), if any.

Should you need further clarifications or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Tutorial Co-Chairs:

Tutorial Chairs

Marco Di Renzo, CNRS & CentraleSupelec – Paris-SaclayUniversity, France


Tutorial Proposals Due: July 15, 2023

Acceptance Notification: July 30,2023

  • Program

  • Technical Sponsors

  • Patrons


  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 5, 2023 (firm and final deadline)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      June 25, 2023
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 15, 2023
    • Conference Date
      October 18-20, 2023
  • Submission Link

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